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Drug Drop Box

Drug Drop Box

The Littleton Police Department teamed up with Littleton Regional Healthcare to install a permanent
drug disposal box at the police station.

The drop off box resembles a mail drop box and is located in the lobby of the police station on Kittridge Lane off of West Main St. Unused or expired prescription medications and over-the-counter medications are accepted.

The drug drop box is designed to encourage individuals to remove any unwanted pharmaceutical drugs from their households to help reduce access to addictive drugs for accidental and intentional misuse by individuals, especially children. Additionally, we are providing the public with an environmentally safe, accessible and convenient alternative to disposing of pharmaceutical drugs in the landfill or sewer systems that may later negatively affect the environment. Littleton's waste water treatment plant is not designed to rid these chemicals from the effluent entering the Ammonoosuc River.


While we do not know the long term impacts of improper medicine disposal on our health or the health of the environment, we are certain that proper disposal will benefit both. We also know that keeping pharmaceuticals out of our waste stream reduces our operating costs which saves the Town and rate payers money. The drop box is free of charge.

Please follow the guidelines below:

  • Pharmaceutical drugs include controlled, non - controlled and over the counter drugs from households and residences only.

  • Drugs may be disposed of in the original containers or in sealed plastic bags.

  • Liquid pharmaceuticals must remain in the original container.

  • No needles, syringes or lancets shall be placed in the drop box.


2 Kittridge Lane, Littleton, NH 03561

(603) 444-7711


All Rights Reserved © 2021

by Littleton Police Department

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